Outdoor Guide en

  • Outdoor Guide en

A private guide company which takes explores to astonishing adventures in Akan Mashu National Park

Outdoor Guide en is a guide company which provides private tours in the great nature of Akan Mashu National Park, known for three significant features such as volcanoes, forests and lakes. You can enjoy trekking and canoeing from spring to autumn, and snowshoeing and other activities with ice and snow in winter. You would have unforgettable experiences with us while feeling the heartbeat of the earth.

4-7-12 Izumi, Teshikaga-cho, Kawakami-gun, Hokkaido
Phone number
+81 90-1222-5326
Regular holiday
No regular holiday
Opening period
All year round
Opening hour
Advanced First Aid Certificate ※renewing every year


  1. Kanno-ryokan(Japanese-Inn)(菅野旅館)

  2. Lake Mashu Youth Hostel(摩周湖ユースホステル)

  3. Teshikaga Sightseeing School (November)(てしかが観光塾)

  4. Teshikaga Freetrekkers!(てしかがfreetrekkers!)

  5. Izuminoyu(泉の湯)

  6. Manbou Grilled Chicken(鳥やき 翻車魚)

Teshikaga Live Camera
